Correcting Corrections – Future BBT job?

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By Ajit Krishna Dasa

Are you looking for a job? BBTI has the perfect job for you who like to correct corrections. This is an example of what you will do  – 8 hours a day, 5 days a week:

Nectar of Instruction, Text One, Purport:

Original 1975 BBT Edition:​

“As for the agitations of the flickering mind, they are divided into two divisions.”

An older edition from BBTI:

“As for the agitations of the bickering mind, they are divided into two divisions.”

BBTI’s newest edition:

“As for the agitations of the flickering mind, they are divided into two divisions.”

As you can see it seems that the mind of the editor was, after all, flickering. Just like in this example your job will be to correct all such corrections. Do not worry. You will be guaranteed work until you reach the age of retirement. And the job is well paid.

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